Sadly this is all I managed last night:

About 2 weeks ago I made the (mad) decision to start studying for a career.
I am a home executive, as they now call it and have been for the last 6 year's but have decided that I also would like to do something else with my life.
So in a matter of a few days to 3 weeks I will be a home executive, a mom to a 8 year old and also a student.
I realise that it's gonna make my plate really, really full and have decided to do the yucky jobs around the house while I still have time.
So that meant only time I stitched yesterday was during a episode of CSI Las Vegas.
It is now 9 at night and I haven't even managed 1 stitch yet. I am dreading it as it means pulling threads and I am so tired right now but I know I won't be happy if I don't at least stitch a tiny little bit.

About 2 weeks ago I made the (mad) decision to start studying for a career.
I am a home executive, as they now call it and have been for the last 6 year's but have decided that I also would like to do something else with my life.
So in a matter of a few days to 3 weeks I will be a home executive, a mom to a 8 year old and also a student.
I realise that it's gonna make my plate really, really full and have decided to do the yucky jobs around the house while I still have time.
So that meant only time I stitched yesterday was during a episode of CSI Las Vegas.
It is now 9 at night and I haven't even managed 1 stitch yet. I am dreading it as it means pulling threads and I am so tired right now but I know I won't be happy if I don't at least stitch a tiny little bit.