Sadly this is all I managed last night:

About 2 weeks ago I made the (mad) decision to start studying for a career.
I am a home executive, as they now call it and have been for the last 6 year's but have decided that I also would like to do something else with my life.
So in a matter of a few days to 3 weeks I will be a home executive, a mom to a 8 year old and also a student.
I realise that it's gonna make my plate really, really full and have decided to do the yucky jobs around the house while I still have time.
So that meant only time I stitched yesterday was during a episode of CSI Las Vegas.
It is now 9 at night and I haven't even managed 1 stitch yet. I am dreading it as it means pulling threads and I am so tired right now but I know I won't be happy if I don't at least stitch a tiny little bit.

About 2 weeks ago I made the (mad) decision to start studying for a career.
I am a home executive, as they now call it and have been for the last 6 year's but have decided that I also would like to do something else with my life.
So in a matter of a few days to 3 weeks I will be a home executive, a mom to a 8 year old and also a student.
I realise that it's gonna make my plate really, really full and have decided to do the yucky jobs around the house while I still have time.
So that meant only time I stitched yesterday was during a episode of CSI Las Vegas.
It is now 9 at night and I haven't even managed 1 stitch yet. I am dreading it as it means pulling threads and I am so tired right now but I know I won't be happy if I don't at least stitch a tiny little bit.
Hi Monique
Good luck with the retraining and don't worry even half a dozen stitches are better than none.
K x x
Good luck on your new path as a student! I wish I had the guts to go back!
Every stitch is progress! Good for you to go back to school to learn more! I'll add your photo to the SAL page.
Every stitch counts:) One time I too was dragging. And then I picked up my cross-stitching and ended up stitching for 35 mins...I got some stitches in and that was MY reward.
Wow I've not heard of a Home Executive before. That's Great! I wish you all the best.
love Annette
Ooh, your decision to study for a new career is very interesting...
In all my crafts, I try not to stitch when I'm too tired because I usually find myself having to pick up my stitches and do it again which is very time-consuming. -__- So I usually try to do it when it isn't night time. But when you have school, that isn't so easy unless it's some kind of holiday or the weekends...I do hate not seeing any progress though! So God Bless you in your stitching and with your studies!
As Annette said, every stitch counts!
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